Why a Wood Fence?
Whether it is to keep dogs and toddlers in, to keep prowlers and intruders out, or just to show off your beautiful gardens, a wooden fence might be just the answer. Palisade Fencing Suppliers help you choose will depend on your needs. What are you trying to accomplish with your fence? Keep intruders out and maintain privacy. If security is a concern or you would like to be able to use your hot tub or back yard free from spying eyes, one of our solid board wooden fences might fill your needs. With a solid board solution, vertical boards are attached to sturdy horizontal members with no space between them. This, with a securely locked gate, helps to improve your security and feeling of privacy. Palisade Fence Another style of privacy fence that many of our customers choose is the board-on-board fence. This is basically a picket fence with pickets on both sides, which shields your yard from street view. Our Privacy Fences can be installed painted or unpaint...