The Applications of Hexagonal Wire Mesh

Chicken wire mesh is woven from steel wire with openings, and many times it is referred to as hexagonal wire mesh . Some of these wire meshes have rectangular and diamond-shaped openings, such as chain link fencing. But it is very common to use hexagonal wire mesh for wire mesh. Types of hexagonal wire mesh Wire mesh with hexagonal mesh can be made using different methods. It can be counter twisted, straight twisted or double twisted. It is also made from different materials, depending on the purpose of the wire mesh. Some of the materials used for hexagonal wire mesh are: plastic, galvanized iron, brass wire, and even stainless steel. Galvanized wire meshes are very durable and resistant to corrosion or rust. They are made of galvanized wire or steel wire dipped in zinc. On the other hand, plastic wire mesh is made of carbon steel coated with plastic, also known as PVC wire mesh, and it comes in a variety of colors. The use of metal wire mesh with hexagonal ...