The Applications of Hexagonal Wire Mesh

Chicken wire mesh is woven from steel wire with openings, and many times it is referred to as hexagonal wire mesh. Some of these wire meshes have rectangular and diamond-shaped openings, such as chain link fencing. But it is very common to use hexagonal wire mesh for wire mesh.


Types of hexagonal wire mesh

Wire mesh with hexagonal mesh can be made using different methods. It can be counter twisted, straight twisted or double twisted.


It is also made from different materials, depending on the purpose of the wire mesh. Some of the materials used for hexagonal wire mesh are: plastic, galvanized iron, brass wire, and even stainless steel.


Galvanized wire meshes are very durable and resistant to corrosion or rust. They are made of galvanized wire or steel wire dipped in zinc. On the other hand, plastic wire mesh is made of carbon steel coated with plastic, also known as PVC wire mesh, and it comes in a variety of colors.


The use of metal wire mesh with hexagonal wire mesh

Hexagonal wire mesh is flexible and durable, and has a variety of valuable uses.


Use of Hexagonal Wire Mesh in Poultry Fencing: Chicken wire mesh is used as a fence in poultry fencing. The fence keeps the birds contained and prevents them from getting lost. It also helps keep predators out. The best material to use for poultry fencing is galvanized mesh with hexagonal mesh.


It is strong and can withstand the pressure, as well as the weight of the animal on it. The multiple weaving of hexagonal mesh also helps it to withstand disintegration over time.


Using hexagonal mesh in garden fencing: Birds aren't the only things predators visit. Animals such as deer and squirrels can also wreak havoc on a garden.


Just like poultry fencing, chicken netting keeps these animals out. The horizontal chicken wire ensures that animals cannot get through the openings. It is also able to withstand the weight of animals on it.


Use as lattice netting: It is important to use hexagonal netting as a lattice for climbing plants.


It serves as a support for these plants and can be used for several growing seasons before finally giving way, unlike other types of supports. This is because it is able to withstand the weight of the plants. In addition, a cut in one of the wires will not completely damage it or the plants.


Use as poultry bedding: PVC-covered hexagonal mesh with small openings can also be used as poultry bedding, especially for chicks. It protects birds from burrowing animals and also makes cleaning easier. Hexagonal mesh is best suited as poultry bedding because it is durable and can withstand the pressure of poultry.


We produce durable and corrosion resistant hexagonal wire mesh. They also have high rigidity and high tensile strength. They are made of high quality materials with elegant aesthetic value, feel free to contact us.



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