Anti-Climbing Fences: Use and Guidance

 Anti-climb fencing is one of the easiest ways to stop unauthorized people from entering your property. It can be a specially designed security structure or a plain fence or wall equipped with anti-climbing devices such as security spikes, wall spikes or fence spikes.

What is an anti-climb fence?

An anti-climb fence is a type of fence that makes it difficult for people to enter a property or site by climbing.

Anti-climb fencing can be a specially designed Security Fence, such as a prison fence, which is basically a steel plate made of strong vertical and horizontal steel wire welded together to form a mesh with holes that are too small for anyone to grab onto to help climb.

Anti-Climb Fencing

Anti-Climb Fencing

Alternatively, anti-climb fences may be standard walls or fences that have been retrofitted with special anti-climb wall spikes or anti-climb fence spikes, or they may be rotating anti-climb barriers

Who uses anti-climbing fences?

Anti-climb fencing is widely used by businesses and commercial organizations. Typically, it is used around storage yards and warehouses where valuable items may be stored.

Anti-climb systems are also widely used by schools and institutions such as secure medical facilities and prisons. Anti-climbing strategies are used effectively to reduce the risks associated with fences where there is a risk of people trying to climb over walls or fences.

In fact, Anti-Climb Fencing is used almost anywhere there is a problem with unauthorized access, from homes to parks and gardens. No one wants vandals destroying expensive plant displays, damaging buildings or committing theft.

Anti-climbing fence restrictions, legal issues and guidance.

Anti-climb fences fitted with anti-climb spikes, anti-intrusion paint or other anti-climb devices may pose a risk of injury to someone trying to climb over the structure. Therefore, there are certain restrictions on where and how they can be used and, in some cases, what signage is required if these devices are used.

Under the Occupiers' Liability Act 1984, owners have a duty of care to exercise a duty of care to anyone who enters their property, whether they are supposed to be there or not.Owners must protect people from harm due to foreseen hazards. Minimizing the risk of injury and displaying warning signs about the anti-climbing techniques employed is an effective way to ensure that owners comply with the law.

The company also offers Welded Fences, please feel free to contact us if you need



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